Sunday, February 21, 2010

Taking the path of Wundt. Average to excellent.

Dear studying,

It's funny how good I feel when I'm studying. It's not funny in the way of "like, who enjoys studying??" its funny in the way that I enjoy learning far more than anything else I spend my free time on, and yet.... It's the last thing I get around to doing. I feel intelligent, useful, productive, and most significantly, like a whole person when my mind is actively engaged in something. I like the challenge of mastering new material. I love the thrill of knowing. I love to teach others what I know. There is a thrill in translating knowledge from one person to another.

I'm also terrified to disappoint, to fall short. I'm so terrified that sometimes I choose to not participate when it seems like I could fail. (when in reality, I have failed de facto by not participating at all)

So, I'm challenging myself. I'm all in. Learning or.... Learning. There is no acceptable alternative.
